Km: 23
Hours: 6
Difficulty: 3

Longitudinal of the reference profile (not binding)
The stage may begin with one village or another. In this case it would change the order of the visit.
STAGE 22 GR-249
Ardales – El Burgo
Stage of considerable length through the Sierra de Ortegicar mountain range. It begins by crossing the Tiron River over the Molina Bridge, of Roman origin and 21 centuries old. The route then ascends from 350m to 800m altitude over 11km, passing an Arabic fortress midway, known as the Turon Castle. It then descends through forest paths, pine forests, oak trees and landscapes of great beauty to end in El Burgo.
Having completed the hiking route, participants will join the tour group.
Possibility of covering the route by bicycle (under review).